23. March 2018 · Comments Off on Use A Strap On Toy On Me · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

strap on, domination, submission,BDSM, sex toys

How do you feel about a strap on being used on you? A lot of callers are quite into being dominated that way, it really turns them on and makes them feel submissive to their lady, but many are too shy to ask for it since they know such a request will not go over well and will likely be refused. It would not only be refused, it might permanently damage their relationship, since their partner may never see them the same again after they ask. So it’s easier just not to ask in the first place than risk rocking the boat.

Some men resort to using dildos on themselves, and they worry about their partner finding them out and that they might be looked at as gay. So many use the toys of their wives or girlfriends in secret, and I’m betting many of them do not even bother to wash them properly after use. Talk about gross! Get your own toys if you want to stick something up there. Some are too fearful that even their toys would be discovered, so they resort to fruits and vegetables, this is mentioned on calls more frequently than one would imagine.

Those items are not designed for there, and if things go awry and they break off, think of the embarrassment if you need to seek emergency medical attention for sticking a cucumber up your man pussy. Oh it would be hellish, not a doubt. Some men will mention they seek out a professional dominatrix to get them one up the ass, and that works well, but it’s not a cheap alternative and they may have to take quite a drive to find one, especially if they live in a city that is not that large and they may have to go quite a ways or wait quite a while to get an appointment to be fucked up the ass with a strap on. The lengths these horny buggars go to!

13. January 2018 · Comments Off on Fuck Me On The Phone · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

local phone sex, masturbation, phone sex

I’m relatively new to the world of phone sex, I did it a few times with previous boyfriends, but decided recently to see what it would be like to do it in a professional capacity. I’ve been blown away. What other job is there where you can hear so many guys cum? Even a hooker can only see so many guys a day, many times I hear dozens of different guys orgasm on the phone for me as they masturbate. I never knew how turned on I could get listening to other people cum. I get wet all the time, and I have a high sex drive, so it’s been a good match job wise for me.

I just can’t help but slide my hand down my panties and separate my cunt lips with my fingers, seeking out my stiffened little clit as I listen to these guys play with themselves on the phone night and day. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my life! I love hearing about all the different fantasies they have, things I’d never think of in a million years they imagine as they masturbate. Many times a past experience decades ago will still turn out to be their go to fantasy after all these years.

Knowing they are sharing things with me they haven’t even told their wives about, things they’d never want them to know, yet they share them with me so easily, it’s like a privileged position to be in to hear it all. One guy last night was calling me and whispering almost, since he was spying on a naked neighbour in the condo unit next to his, there was a small hole in the wall that he was looking at her through as he rubbed his cock and watched her undress. He said the night before she’d masturbated and he’d gotten to watch it, naughty man, he is. I look forward to hearing lots more fantasies of the callers.

17. September 2017 · Comments Off on Intimate Girlfriend Experience Phone Sex · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

hot sex, voices

Many people thing that most men calling phone sex lines are all perverts and freaks, and some are, this is true, but some are just lonely and horny and not seeking anything weird to talk about on the phone. Some really like the idea of getting quite close and personal with the phone sex girls they are talking with on the phone, even exchanging “I love you’s” and talking about impregnation and very sweet and intimate types of calls. Some phone sex girls do not like calls or callers like that, for some it is crossing a line they do not wish to. Others prefer them to any other type of calls.

They can be the types of calls that stay with you for a long time, you think about the guys that make them and wish they’d call more often, you can even get sort of a crush on those types of callers and feel quite close with them and wonder what it’s really like to actually make love to them, they can be very romantic. One called me last night that is like this and we talked for a good long while. He came a few times on the phone, told me about his day and said he really wished I was laying there beside him fro him to kiss and hug and make love to. He likes when I say his name during calls, as many do. It personalizes the experience for them.

So many have no wife or girlfriend and even ones that do are often deprived sex and intimacy by cold, unfeeling wives they won’t leave for many reasons. All you can do is be there for them for the length of the call and make them feel loved and important, since many of them if not most, don’t have anyone to make them feel that way in their real lives. One caller said I made him feel cared for, and that was very sweet.

06. July 2017 · Comments Off on A Day At The Beach · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

In the hot, summer weather, I love to go spend a day at the beach. It gives me a bit of a break from calls and lets me find something different to do, and possibly meet some naughty, young man. I was at the beach this past weekend and I did get a bit naughty, but with myself. I’d brought along some racy romance novels and the love scenes in them were pretty graphic, it’s kind of like porn for women even they can be so graphic. The beach was fairly quiet at the end I was at, the nearest people had to be the better part of a block away, they wouldn’t have been able to see anything I was doing, so I decided to masturbate right there on the beach.

I was laying on my tummy getting a tan on my back and reading one of the sexy scenes in the book I was reading and I slid my hand underneath myself and into the bottom of my bikinis and started to rub my pussy and not buck up and down too much and make a scene. I looked around and no one seemed to notice as I quickly rubbed my cunt under the hot noon day sun. I quickly came, the hot part of the book really pushed me over the edge, and then I ran into the ocean to swim for a while.

A man swam up to me that had been down the beach and he said it certainly looked like I’d been enjoying myself a bit earlier. He said he knew I was rubbing my pussy even sitting that far away. I was shocked he’d say such a thing, I guess I had not been as discreet as I’d thought I was being and he laughed and said not to worry, he doubted anyone else was watching me as he had been. When I got back home and logged on for calls, the guys asked if anything exciting had happened, and I said oh yes, and told them my naughty story of rubbing my pussy at the beach as they jerked off, they loved it.

01. April 2017 · Comments Off on Calls On The Go · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

talking, chatting, phone sex

Some men may wonder where exactly we ladies are as we take phone sex calls. Well the truth is, we can be just about anywhere. Some ladies do indeed do calls on the run so to speak while they are shopping and roaming up and down the shopping aisles, while they are driving or waiting in traffic. It just depends what they are comfortable with. One other operator I know told me she has a long commute from her job and she frequently takes calls while in the car driving to and from the office and some of the calls have gotten a bit hot considering she’s supposed to be driving.

Masturbating while driving is not always the safest option, but people do indeed do these things. Many have a long drive on a quiet road without much traffic and they can easily rub one out safely, or so they claim, as they are tooling along the highway. We do not advise callers to masturbate or call while driving, but it absolutely does happen. Some will even call just to talk to beat the boredom as they drive, not even rubbing their dicks while on the road. So this other operator was telling me she was driving and doing a call and the caller was really turning her on and she decided the safest thing was to pull the car over and masturbate.

She put her hand up her skirt and was touching herself, teasing her pussy lips through her damp panties and feeling her stiff little bud of a clit. The guy on the call with her was stroking his cock and talking so sexy to her, she just couldn’t stop herself and was pushing a couple of fingers in and out of her cunt as she steamed up the car windows all by herself. She soon came and so did the caller and she continued on home as she had a wet, sloppy pussy driving through the night.

27. January 2017 · Comments Off on Chatting The Day Away · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

phone sex, chatting, talking, masturbation

Many men have some idea that phone sex girls are all crammed into some stuffed office in cubicles in a call centre, well that couldn’t be further from the truth. Most girls work at home, in any room they choose to be in and some even take their phones with them, so they could be driving around, enjoying a day out on a friends boat, all kinds of different things they could be doing at the same time they are getting you off. Talking naughty while out in public can even be fun, you have to watch where you are and make sure no one can hear you.

When men call for phone sex, they are usually horny already, they might even have started to stroke their cock and be dripping their precum already. The sound of a female voice is often enough to just push them over the edge to orgasm, especially if a few moans or breathy whispers are involved. Phone sex is a wonderful way to jazz up your masturbation and give yourself that increased orgasm over what it would be without talking to another person. That special way a phone sex girl can personalize your fantasy is like nothing else.

Many ladies also enjoy a man telling them how to stroke their pussy or revealing their naughty fantasies and having you talk about them as well, it just takes the right partner that can push all your buttons and you can make magic together on the phone. Some callers have called the same girls literally for years. They know what they want and the right girl can fulfill that easily, that’s why they keep returning to the same ones year after year. It can be a very comfortable thing when you get the right mix of client and phone sex girl.

09. November 2016 · Comments Off on Phone Sex Masturbation · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

phone sex, masturbation, mutual masturbation

Has it been a while since you last had phone sex? Maybe you’ve never even taken the plunge at all and are wondering what it’s all about and how it can improve your masturbation experience overall. It can, absolutely. Watching porn is not interactive at all, the people in the movie are not talking to you, they don’t know what you like or dislike, they aren’t taking their cues from your pace of breathing or what you are saying, they are not even aware you exist at all. Phone sex is totally interactive and listening to what you want to talk about and hear, it takes your orgasm to a whole other level of excitement.

Not everyone is into cam girls or watching women masturbate, some like the good feeling they get when they hear a woman breathe in their ear, speaking sexy to them, whispering all the naughty things they would do to you if you were there with them. That’s what phone sex is all about. Some men genuinely loved to be listened to as they masturbate, they like ones to hear them cum, it’s very arousing to them to know someone is listening to them orgasm and talking to them about their own private and special fantasy that is theirs alone. They aren’t going to get that watching porn.

So many men have secret, taboo fantasies they have never shared with anyone because they know their partner, if they have one, wouldn’t be understanding about it or worse yet, would be turned off and view them differently if they knew, so they know they can safely tell a phone sex girl all about it and not worry about any fallout from wifey. So why not try some phone sex and see what it’s like for your masturbation experience, and how it can heighten your orgasm.

05. July 2016 · Comments Off on Phone Sex For You · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

phone sex ,dirty talk,  adult chat, naughty talk

Has it been a while since you engaged in some phone sex? Well maybe you need to pick up that phone and see what you’ve been missing. It’s still around and it’s hotter than ever. Lots of men seek some sort of extra stimulation as they masturbate, usually porn is the fastest, easiest choice. But porn clips aren’t personalized, the people in them aren’t talking to you personally, they aren’t discussing your particular fantasy like a phone sex fantasy maker can and does with the information you give them about your particular kink or fantasy.

Someone talking to you as you masturbate is a wonderful thing, it’s personal, it’s sexy and it’s just for you. The conversation you have is for you alone and what could be sexier than that? Your own custom made phone sex experience. Stroke your cocks for us, we want to hear, we want to help, we want to play. You get bored with getting turned down night after night by your cold wife you just won’t leave, don’t you? Yet you just don’t have the strength to change your life, so a phone sex fantasy girl is your compromise, your little break from reality you allow yourself.

You know you’re in a prison of your own making, but you won’t turn the key in the lock to get out, so let us be your visitor and give you a brief moment of pleasure before it’s back to the usual life of deprivation and fear you’ve resigned yourself to. Think of us, lonely and horny at home, just aching to drain your balls and be that small shard of light in your otherwise grim day. We can give you that fond memory you will reflect on next time you’re jerking off in the shower alone wishing for a pussy you’ll never once again have.

09. April 2016 · Comments Off on Enhance Your Masturbation · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

phone sex, adult phone sex, masturbate, masturbation

A caller last night told me he’s been into phone sex since high school, he used to phone up girls in his class and they’d talk and masturbate together. After he finished school though, he found it harder and harder to find for free phone sex partners, so he turned to paid calls on phone sex lines. He was telling me about the effect the voices of certain women have on him, how it makes his cock so hard and turns him on almost as much as real sex does. The sounds, the moans, how much he loves to have a woman hear him cum as he strokes himself.

He was naked and watching porn in the background, I could hear the animated moans coming from his computer as I spoke to him. He was watching lesbian porn and saying he wished it was me in the porno he was watching. I asked him if he had his cock in his hand and was rubbing it for me and he said yes, he’d lubed it up and was teasing the head of his dick with his thumb, rubbing all his precum all over it in little circles. He liked to squeeze the head of his cock and make it ooze.

He massaged his balls as I told him to, he seemed to enjoy the guided masturbation experience. I told him to imagine I was there with him and watching his stroke it for me as I sat down beside him. I said to grip your shaft and slowly stroke it up and down and repeat until you couldn’t stand it anymore, that you were to go ever so much faster, driving yourself into a frenzy until you just had to cum and cum he did. The porn blaring in the background and his cum all over his hand. Always fun to help someone masturbate.

16. January 2016 · Comments Off on Jazz Up Your Masturbation · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

adult phone sex, phone sex, masturbation,

Has it been a while since you called a phone sex line? Maybe you’ve never even called one at all and been making do with porn online. Porn is not interactive and is one sided, imagine if you were talking to someone and having a real time interactive conversation about your naughtiest and dirtiest fantasy? Doesn’t that sound more exciting and involved and personalized? The porn actresses aren’t calling out your name and aren’t talking to you personally. Phone sex can give you a much more memorable masturbatory experience than rubbing one out alone. Physically you’re still feeling the same things, but there’s no emotional engagement, no shared experience with another person.

Most people enjoy porn once in a while when they masturbate, but a phone sex call with an experienced operator that’s giving you a back and forth talk as you stroke your hard, throbbing cock is another thing entirely and something you may have been missing out on if you haven’t been treating yourself to phone sex once in a while. We know just the right words to get you going, those special triggers that just drive men wild. Many say that phone sex is just below real sex on the satisfaction scale, with none of the pressures or worries of real life interactions.

Phone sex is indeed alive and well, many think everyone wants to watch cams, but watching a woman masturbate is not what many clients that call are looking for. They are seeking an in depth exploration of their darkest fantasies on a personal level, that is not to be gotten by watching some woman use toys on herself on a computer screen. That’s an entirely different kind of experience than adult phone sex is, they are totally different animals. There are still men out there of all ages from 18-100 that like some naughty talk in their ear as they caress their cock. What are you waiting for, let’s masturbate.