31. May 2018 · Comments Off on Blast From The Past · Categories: Local Phone Sex

past, fantasy, idol, teen idol

Callers often want me to relate to them real life sexual experiences I’ve had to get them aroused as they are masturbating. I had a new story for one of them the other night that called. Last weekend I went to a concert, the people playing had been big in my youth and now they were older, but I’d always had a big crush on the one guy. What I would have given in my teens to been able to spend one night with him. Well twenty years down the road he’s not as big as he was obviously, but incredibly, I got my night with him.

We went to the same nearby pub after the show and met quite by accident and I told him how I’d fantasized about him in my teens and he seemed flattered and a bit amused and he asked if I still gave him a second thought. He hadn’t aged badly, he still had all his hair, so I thought, you know what, if he extends the opportunity, I’m taking it. He did. We went back to his hotel room and I got to live out my teenaged fantasy.

His cock was even bigger than I’d imagined it would be, and he was really good at giving oral. I sucked on his cock and swallowed his load, and then he was ready to go again pretty quickly, so he pinned me down and fucked me nice and hard. I still couldn’t believe I was fucking one of my first true crushes. I couldn’t tell the callers of course who it was, they kept pressing, wanting to know who, since of course they’d recognize his name, but I didn’t tell them, only that I had a fantastic night in a hotel with a former big name with a few hits under his belt. It was a fun and memorable night.

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