17. April 2018 · Comments Off on Buy That For Me · Categories: Teen Phone Sex

sugar daddy, older man younger woman, teen, boots, gifts, buying things

Being a naughty girl has always come naturally to me, I’ve always been able to wrap men around my little finger and get them to do as I wanted. Be generous, please me sexually, buy me things, cover for me, it’s fun to make men do your bidding. This frequent caller is a very generous sort and he wanted to do online shopping with me, so we had the same websites open on our computer screens at the same time and were looking at various items I wanted and he was getting me all kinds of things. All he asked in return was I send a pic of me in the item.

I love boots and purses, so once the ones arrived he’d gotten for me, I took pics of myself in them and emailed them to him, and he was so happy to see me enjoying the items. He was stroking his cock as he looked at them, he told me. I gave him an extra treat for one pic when I sent it to him with me wearing the boots and nothing else. That was a good idea, since the unexpected nature of it made him want to send me even more. I do love to be pampered by callers. Not many do, but the ones that do, I’m grateful for.

He told me I make him cum harder on the phone than his wife makes him cum in person, no if that’s not a compliment, I don’t know what is. I decided to ask for something I’d really wanted, a new video camera and I told him if he got it for me, I’d record myself masturbating on it and send it to him. It had been purchased off of my wishlist in a few hours after he got that message. Now not every girl will want to do things like this, but some of us enjoy playing these little games, it can be fun, not to mention profitable.

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