23. March 2018 · Comments Off on Use A Strap On Toy On Me · Categories: Adult Phone Sex

strap on, domination, submission,BDSM, sex toys

How do you feel about a strap on being used on you? A lot of callers are quite into being dominated that way, it really turns them on and makes them feel submissive to their lady, but many are too shy to ask for it since they know such a request will not go over well and will likely be refused. It would not only be refused, it might permanently damage their relationship, since their partner may never see them the same again after they ask. So it’s easier just not to ask in the first place than risk rocking the boat.

Some men resort to using dildos on themselves, and they worry about their partner finding them out and that they might be looked at as gay. So many use the toys of their wives or girlfriends in secret, and I’m betting many of them do not even bother to wash them properly after use. Talk about gross! Get your own toys if you want to stick something up there. Some are too fearful that even their toys would be discovered, so they resort to fruits and vegetables, this is mentioned on calls more frequently than one would imagine.

Those items are not designed for there, and if things go awry and they break off, think of the embarrassment if you need to seek emergency medical attention for sticking a cucumber up your man pussy. Oh it would be hellish, not a doubt. Some men will mention they seek out a professional dominatrix to get them one up the ass, and that works well, but it’s not a cheap alternative and they may have to take quite a drive to find one, especially if they live in a city that is not that large and they may have to go quite a ways or wait quite a while to get an appointment to be fucked up the ass with a strap on. The lengths these horny buggars go to!

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